PasteShr V3

PasteShr V3.2 – Text Hosting & Sharing Script | Best-selling

by ecodevs in on November 10, 2021

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PasteShr V3

Pasteshr is a script which allows you to store any text online for easy sharing. The idea behind the script is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of text online.

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PasteShr V3.2 Features

  • Bootstrap 4+
  • Simple & responsive interface
  • Material Design
  • Easy install
  • 150+ different syntax languages
  • 7+ Syntax Highlighting Skins for PrismJS (default, dark, coy, okadia, funky, solarized light, tomorrow night, twilight)
  • 25+ Syntax Highlighting Skins for Ace Syntax Highlighter
  • Ace Editor / Code Mirror
  • Paste Folders
  • Password protected pastes
  • Encrypted pastes
  • Unlisted pastes
  • Private pastes
  • Paste expiration system
  • Self destroy pastes
  • Daily paste limit for authorized and unauthorized users
  • Share pastes on social network
  • Embed, download, print pastes
  • Clone pastes
  • Report explicit pastes
  • Socialite (Facebook/Twitter/Google Social login)
  • Multi-language support
  • Facebook/Disqus comment system
  • Re-captcha protection
  • AdBlocks – Ad management for advertisement
  • SEO friendly URLs
  • Ad block detection
  • Load files feature
  • Auto generated sitemaps
  • Spam protection
  • User management
  • Admin panel to manage pastes, syntax, users, comments, pages, languages, translations & other settings
  • User profile page
  • Trending pastes page (day, week, month, year)
  • QR Code for share
  • Site & Paste page layouts
  • No Captcha for logged in users feature
  • 5 Different Color skins
  • Auto approve user feature
  • Time restriction feature to restrict between paste creation
  • and many more.

PasteShr Demo

User Login –

Admin Panel –

PasteShr V3.2 Requirements

  • PHP 8.*
  • MySQL 5.* or later
  • Apache web server
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • Zip PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension

Also Check – PasteShr API

Change Log

Pasteshr v3.2.5 Update (July 19, 2023)

- Fixed paste storage
- Added delete all user's paste button in admin panel
- Fixed active link for syntax
- Fixed pages menu for footer
- Fixed my recent pastes widget

Pasteshr v3.2.1 Update (May 02, 2023)

- Fixed folder page bugs

Pasteshr v3.2 Update (April 20, 2023)

- Caching & Optimization

Pasteshr v3.1.1 Update (February 16, 2023)

- Fixed pagination views

Pasteshr v3.1 Update (February 16, 2023)

- Fixed Captcha Bugs

Pasteshr v3.0 Update (February 04, 2023)

- Upgraded to Laravel 9
- Supports PHP 8+
- Removed Custom Comments 
- Added Disqus Comments Support
- Removed custom/invisible/recaptcha v3
- Added Recaptcha V2 Box

Pasteshr v2.9.5 Update (November 10, 2021)

- Fixed syntax create page 
- Fixed paste links click for mobile view
- Addd scrollbar to admin menubar
- Fixed redirect page url query string bug
- Added "remove password" option for pastes
- Added paste editor height setting
- Added paste view height auto/scroll setting

Pasteshr v2.9 Update (February 11, 2021)

- Upgraded laravel version (PHP 7.2.* ~ PHP 7.4.* Required)
- Added description, tags fields for paste
- Added comments section in admin panel to manage
- Added guest comments 
- Changed default avatar api
- Set autocomplete off for some fields
- Fixed QR code api 
- Improved language translation mechanism
- Fixed default paste settings
- Improved site layouts 
- Improved default skin
- Fixed some bugs

Pasteshr v2.8.3 (December 20, 2020)

- Fixed cookie consent bug 
- Fixed/Improved active links when redirect

Pasteshr v2.8.1 (December 14, 2020)

- Fixed admin panel delete button bug

Pasteshr v2.8 (December 12, 2020)

- Added toggle for active link and redirect page for all syntax languages 
- Added facebook comments 
- Add cookie consent bar 
- Added Recaptcha V3 protection 
- Added confirm box before deleting items
- Added country flags for locales 
- Changed redirect page to auto afte 5 seconds countdown 
- Improved paste page look 
- Dynamic pages list for footer 
- Fixed adblock detector 
- Fixed paste sorting for User profile page 
- Added some missing translation words 

Pasteshr v2.7 (September 16, 2020)

- Added folder feature 
- Added active link feature & redirect page feature for codemirror syntax highlighter 
- Added zip extension in installer check 
- Fixed page edit in admin panel 
- Renamed blocked words to censored words 
- Added banned words 
- Renamed blocked words to censored words 
- Applied censored words to paste title 
- Fixed user status field in admin panel 
- Fixed AdBlock detection toggle in admin panel 

Pasteshr v2.6 (June 05, 2020)

- Improved sitemaps
- Paste expire time display on paste page
- Paste expired page
- Fixed file ext of favicon upload
- Added Spam protection system - block ip, words
- Fixed reported pastes title
- Fixed Password length problem 
- Added Paste search in user, archive page
- Removed login restriction for paste listing
- Fixed some bugs

Pasteshr v2.5.5 (March 22, 2020)

- Fixed paste editor selection for codemirror in admin panel settings
- Fixed syntax highlight selection codemirror in admin panel settings
- Fixed embed feature
- Fixed pagination links overflow when many links for small devices
- Fixed some syntax selection 

Pasteshr v2.5 (March 15, 2020)

- Added Ad block detection feature
- Added CodeMirror editor & syntax highlighter 
- Added Browse for files load 
- Added remove site image option 
- Added page delete feature 
- Added scrollbar for editor with max height 
- Added translatable content pages
- Fixed translations
- Fixed clone feature 
- Fixed some other bugs

Pasteshr v2.4 (December 04, 2019)

- Added user dashboard 
- Pastes backup feature for users
- Admin setting to set default syntax 
- Feature to toggle string validation strict/moderate 
- Option to set default paste options for user 
- Add Feature to disable line numbers 
- Add Features to disable Trending, Archive, Search 
- Increase ad box limit 
- Improve admin panel settings page layout 
- Break word feature for title & paste content
- Improved admin panel UI 
- Added more words to translations
- Fixed some bugs

Pasteshr v2.3 (October 23, 2019)

- Improved user registration
- Added missing translation words
- Changed views count to K,M,B 
- Increased length of site title
- Added toggle to on/off paste title required
- Added toggle on/off public download 
- Added feature to set background color or image 
- Fixed some bugs

Pasteshr v2.2 (September 19, 2019)

- Added toggle for navbar default/fixed top
- Added some missing words in translation
- Fixed Syntax highlighter settings in admin panel 
- Paste content not lost when validation error 
- Hide social links when left empty 
- Included 404, 403 pages in site theme 
- Redirect to homepage when registration is closed 
- Added toggle settings to turn on/off user paste
- Added refresh button for custom captcha 
- Redirect intended on auth routes
- Footer to bottom
- Fixed some other bugs

Pasteshr v2.1.5 (August 07, 2019)

- Fixed 'Terms' page Link on register page  
- Removed extra captcha from contact, user contact page & paste clone page 
- Added Social Login setup guide 

Pasteshr v2.1 (July 25, 2019)

- Ace Editor & Syntax Highlight
- Socialite (Facebook/Twitter/Google Social login) 
- Fixed QR Code API

Pasteshr v2.0 (July 13, 2019)

- Allowed UTF-8 characters in various fields
- Added autofocus on password box for protected paste & unlock on hit enter 
- Fixed login validation 
- Added more fields to User create/edit in admin panel 
- Disable pastes of banned users 
- Paste Print feature improved
- Paste Password feature improved
- Added clear cache feature to admin panel settings

Pasteshr v1.9 (July 10, 2019)

- Improved Navbar
- Added option to change paste storage as a file to reduce database size
- Fixed user activation from admin panel
- Fix login when banned 
- Security updates
- Other Bug Fixes

Pasteshr v1.8 (May 21, 2019)

- Added custom Captcha security
- Added custom comments 
- Changed Verification message when auto approval on 
- Fixed Syntax create on admin panel

Pasteshr v1.7 (May 14, 2019)

- Added Maintenance Mode 
- Fixed paste delete redirection for admin on user side
- Added extra fields in SEO section 
- Fixed site logo and favicon links for subdir version
- Fixed user profile contact form bug
- Fixed auto approve user
- Fixed print method in pastecontroller
- Fixed trending section to hide private and unlisted pastes 
- Added more words in translation

Pasteshr v1.6 (April 24, 2019)

- User profile page 
- Trending pastes page (day, week, month, year) 
- QR Code for share 
- Site & Paste page layouts 
- No Captcha for logged in users feature
- Added 5 new Color skins 
- Added auto approve user feature 
- Added Time restriction feature to restrict between paste creation
- Bug Fixes

Pasteshr v1.5 (January 30, 2019)

- Syntax Highlighting Skins (default, dark, coy, okadia, funky, solarized light, tomorrow night, twilight) 
- Added resend activation link  
- Removed fade delay 
- Changed & Improved skin 
- Fixed user create bug from admin 
- Fixed language translation bug 
- Added views count on paste lists
- Some other improvements

Pasteshr v1.4 (January 11, 2019)

- Self destroy paste
- Fixed paste status on paste edit
- Fixed encrypt/decrypt for raw data
- Added lock & clock icon in paste list for protected & timed paste
- Added url to syntax name in list
- Pagination for logged in users
- Improved mail system
- Disable captcha if site key and secret key empty
- Fixed Encrypt/Decrypt paste edit

Pasteshr v1.3 (January 2, 2019)

- Password protected pastes
- Encrypted pastes
- Improved UI for small devices.
- Removed 'paste' from paste url.
- Added settings to enable/disable features (share, copy link, raw, download, embed, report, print) in admin
- My Recent Pastes box for logged in users
- Added Image logo and settings
- Added Favicon and settings
- Added open graph tags
- Improved settings in admin
- User create from admin bug fixed

Pasteshr v1.2 (December 28, 2018)

- Fixed account verification flow.
- Added Mail settings in admin panel.
- Fixed paste max size bug.
- Added autofocus on content field.
- Added language change menu in header
- Added Copy link button on paste page

Pasteshr v1.1 (December 23, 2018)

- Paste share link with copy button on paste page share modal.
- A toggle to enable/disable registration in admin settings.
- A toggle to enable/disable public paste in admin settings.

Pasteshr v1.0 (December 20, 2018)

- Initial release.

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For any query or help email us [email protected]


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Release Information

  • Price


  • Released

    November 10, 2021

  • Last Updated

    July 20, 2023

  • File Included


  • File Size

    119 MB

PasteShr V3

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